Update to ADHD

Update to ADHD

All TreatGx users now have access to the updated treatment algorithm for ADHD.


This update accounts for revisions made to existing clinical guidelines and will help health care providers select the safest and most effective medications with their patients. This update follows the recommendations from ADHD guidelines including the American Academy of Pediatrics[1], Cambridge University Press[2], and Canadian ADHD Practice Guidelines Fourth Edition[3].

A key update is the streamlining of therapy options to show all the psychostimulant and non-stimulant options recommended by the latest guidelines. Dosing for additional brands of methylphenidate has also been added. New medications added in this update include dexmethylphenidate and dexmethylphenidate/serdexmethylphenidate.

As always, this update includes the TreatGx standard of providing personalized dosing based on pharmacogenetics, kidney function, liver function, and drug interactions.


  1. ML, Hagan JF, Jr., Allan C, et al. Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2019;144(4).
  2. Mattingly GW, Wilson J, Ugarte L, Glaser P. Individualization of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder treatment: pharmacotherapy considerations by age and co-occurring conditions. CNS Spectr. 2021;26(3):202-221.
  3. Alliance CAR. Canadian ADHD Practice Guidelines, Fourth Edition. 2018.
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