Developments in information technology is vital to integrate genomic knowledge into electronic prescribing systems and facilitate adoption into practice The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the Department of Health England, Professor Dame Sally Davies, has called for making genomic testing part of routine medical practice. In...

Clinical decision support systems provide healthcare professionals assistance with clinical decision-making tasks at the point of care Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) achieve clinical advice for patient care based on multiple items of patient data and knowledge management. Clinicians interact with decision support systems...

Alerts intended to improve patient care result in a paradoxical increase risk of harm Most healthcare technologies include automated alert systems so clinicians can prevent or act in unsafe situations. However, healthcare professionals are flooded with alerts from electronic health record (EHR) software and clinical decision...

Pharmacogenetic testing and a smart online tool help doctors prescribe the right medications at the right dose from diagnosis for Canadians    Prescribing the right medication for an individual is complex and the wrong medication or an incorrect dose can have serious health consequences for patients. There...

Absences from work of employed full-time wage and salary workers by occupation and industry. (2018). Available at: (Accessed: 17th September 2018) Rebecca J. Mitchell, P. B. Measuring Health-Related Productivity Loss. Popul. Health Manag. 14, 93 (2011). Finch, R. & Phillips, K. An Employer’s...

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