You could win a free myPGx test & TreatGx license

You could win a free myPGx test & TreatGx license

Attending the ASHG 2016 in Vancouver? Swing by our booth (#1128) to meet the GenXys team and learn more about our personalized medicine approach. Here are three great reasons you’ll want to visit us:

  1. Opportunity to win a FREE myPGx, pharmacogenetic test, and a license for TreatGx, medication decision support tool
  2. Find out more about how genetics-based prescribing is now a reality
  3. Learn about evidence-based pharmacogenetics.
  4. Chat about in our latest publication on genetic-based prescribing in primary care. ‘Up to 97% of patients have actionable genetic markers that indicate a need for medication modification.”


Be sure to stop by booth #1128 to learn more!

See you in Vancouver!